Annals of Pugwash 1991 : striving for peace, security and development in the world

Annals of Pugwash 1991 : striving for peace, security and development in the world Rotblat, Joseph ; Kelleher, Catherine ; Cochran, Thomas ; Trapp, Ralf ; Klare, Michael ; Gummett, Philip ; McNamara, Robert ... - Singapore World scientific 1993 - 280 p.

Pugwash conference held in Beijing in September 1991, on the theme: 'Striving for peace, security and development in the world'


nuclear weapons--proliferation
nuclear arms control
military research and development
CW--chemical arms control
environment--greenhouse effect
developing countries--regional conflicts
North-South relations
nuclear testing
space arms control
developing countries--population--social conditions

Asia Pacific--regional security
China--economic development