Multilateral diplomacy and the NPT : an insider's account

Dhanapala, Jayantha

Multilateral diplomacy and the NPT : an insider's account - Geneva ; Solna ; UNIDIR ; SIPRI, 2005 - xv, 190 p. - UNIDIR/2005/3 .

Preface: "...I wish to acknowledge the generous support of the MacArthur Foundation but for whose grant this writing project would never have been possible. I also thank UNIDIR and its Director, Dr Patricia Lewis, and SIPRI and its Director, Alyson Bailes, for agreeing to co-publish this book. Finally, I am grateful for the diligent work of my Research Assistant, Ms Mihiri Weerasinghe, whose organizational and research skills helped enormously during the preparation of this study.
Jayantha Dhanapala"


NPT--nuclear weapons--diplomacy
nuclear weapons--nonproliferation--treaties