India Tomorrow 2005 : Perception vs Reality : India Today Conclave : [cover subtitle: 25-26 February 2005, New Delhi, India]

India Tomorrow 2005 : Perception vs Reality : India Today Conclave : [cover subtitle: 25-26 February 2005, New Delhi, India] [electronic resource] India Today Conclave 2005 - New Delhi 2005 - 3 cd-roms

‘The India Today Conclave, set up to commemorate the 25th anniversary of India Today, the news magazine, aims at charting a bold new future for India. The annual 2-day forum is a free and frank exchange of ideas among decision-makers. The four Conclaves held so far ...’

developing countries

India--foreign policy
South Asia--regional security
India--security policy
India--national security
Pakistan--regional security
China--regional security