Sierra Leone a country review of crime and criminal justice, 2008

Sierra Leone a country review of crime and criminal justice, 2008 African Human Security Initiative. - Tshwane (Pretoria) Institute for Security Studies (IISS) 2009 - xix, 132 p. ill. ; - ISS Monograph 160 . - ISS monograph series .

"May 2009." ; This monograph was made possible by funding from the Department for International Development (DFID).

Sierra Leone provides an interesting case study on the assessment of crime and the criminal justice system. As a country in transition from one-party authoritarianism and 11 years of a fratricidal war, there are serious implications for crime and the functioning of the criminal justice system. State repression, ineffective security and a justice system that has gone through eras of military and single-party dictatorships raise grave concerns about the capacity of the state to ensure the security of citizens and to guarantee the administration of fair and impartial justice. The collapse of the Sierra Leone crime and justice system was emblematic of the failure of the state in its entirety.

9781920114725 (pbk.) 1-920114-72-6 (pbk.)

Sierra Leone--criminality--legislation