The role of national parliaments and the SADC Parliamentary Forum in enhancing security in southern Africa

The role of national parliaments and the SADC Parliamentary Forum in enhancing security in southern Africa SADC Parliamentary Forum in enhancing security in southern Africa edited by Lauren Hutton - Pretoria/Tshwane, South Africa Institute for Security Studies 2008 - 26 p.

"20-21 February 2008, Luanda, Angola." Includes List of Participants (p. 25-26). "In terms of Article 5 of the Treaty of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), SADC is charged with the duty to promote common values and systems through institutions that are democratic, legitimate and effective and to consolidate, defend and maintain democracy, peace, security and stability. The SADC Parliamentary Forum has built on the foundation of SADC's commitment to good governance and democracy, which is reflected in the Parliamentary Forum's mission of promoting effective and professional parliamentary practice." -- Intro., p. 1. "... the ISS and the PLC (Parliamentary Leadership Centre) jointly hosted a workshop on parliamentary oversight of the security sector in southern Africa in Luanda, Angola on 20-21 February 2008. This workshop brought together representatives from the defence and security committees from member parliaments of the SADC region and representatives from Rwanda and Burundi as observer states. International partners, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces supported this initiative ..." -- Intro., p. 1.

9781920114398 1-920114-39-4

Southern Africa--national security--legislation--SADC--security--defence--conference

security sector reform, SSR