Reducing Threats Posed by Nuclear Weapons Possible Cooperation between Japan and the United States : Japan-US international workshop, January 24-25, 2009, Meiji Gakuin University [Tokyo], Main Building, Conference Hall organized by Institute for International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University

Reducing Threats Posed by Nuclear Weapons Possible Cooperation between Japan and the United States : Japan-US international workshop, January 24-25, 2009, Meiji Gakuin University [Tokyo], Main Building, Conference Hall organized by Institute for International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University [contributors: Masako Ikegami ...] - [Tokyo] [2009] - 186 p.

Co-sponsored by Center for Global Partnership, Pugwash USA. Pugwash Japan. This leaflet is a compilation of the papers presented. Keynote speeches from Ambassador Rolf Ekéus (not included in the compilation) and Professor Mitsuru Kurosawa. In his remarks, Amb. Ekéus pointed to the critical need for ensuring a successful 2010 NPT Review Conference, and the important role that major non-nuclear weapons states like Japan, and Germany, need to play to ensure a strengthened NPT regime. For his part, Prof. Kurosawa called for a paradigm shift in Japanese and US security thinking, one component being the transformation of the Six-Party Talks into a Regional Security Framework that includes a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in Northeast Asia.

Japan--nuclear disarmament--cooperation--USA--conference