The 4th Russian International Conference on Nuclear Material Protection, Control and Accounting, [Obninsk, Russia] October 19-23, 2009

The 4th Russian International Conference on Nuclear Material Protection, Control and Accounting, [Obninsk, Russia] October 19-23, 2009 electronic resource Hosting: State Atomic Energy Corporation of the Russian Federation ROSATOM, State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation - Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A. I. Leypunsky IPPE ; general chair: Gennady Pshakin ;[contributors: Thomas Jonter ...] - Obninsk 2010 - 1 cd-rom

Contribution by Thomas Jonter & Sarmite Andersson: Swedish Cooperation with the Russian universities in the field of Nuclear Non-proliferation Education.

nuclear energy--conference
nuclear weapons--fissile materials--protection
nuclear arms control--nonproliferation--nuclear fuels--education--Sweden--Russia

Nuclear Material Protection, Control and Accounting, NMPCA