Russia : arms control, disarmament and international security : IMEMO supplement to the Russian edition of the SIPRI yearbook 2010 /

Russia : arms control, disarmament and international security : IMEMO supplement to the Russian edition of the SIPRI yearbook 2010 / preface by Alexander Dynkin ; compiled and edited by Alexandre Kaliadine and Alexei Arbatov - Moscow : IMEMO Ran, 2010 - 137 p.

The 11th edition of Russia: arms control, disarmament and international security analyses devel-opments in 2010 in international security, non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. Studies in this volume reflect both encouraging developments and potential threats to strategic stability, focusing on Russia’s involvement in positive transformation of international relations. IMEMO researchers offer policy considerations and recommendations for actions to resolve specific issues which impede progress toward reductions and elimination of strategic and non-strategic nuclear arms. The authors focus on engaging third nuclear-armed states in nuclear disarmament negotiations and on remedying the defects in cooperative arrangements in the field of ballistic missile defenses, tactical nuclear weapons, the weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation and conventional arms control. Related critical issues are also examined: Russia-NATO relations; non-nuclear factors of nuclear disarmament; implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, challenges to conventional arms control in Europe; local conflicts in the post-Soviet territory. The volume contains a brief review of key Russian legislative and normative acts on security, defense and arms control.


nuclear arms control--Russia
regional security--EU--Russia
space arms control
CFE Treaty
chemical arms control