Small arms and light weapons in the Arab region : national and regional measures /

Small arms and light weapons in the Arab region : national and regional measures / [ed by Gali Oda Tealakh, Atef Odibat, Maha Al Shaer ; contributors: Sami Faltas ...] - Amman. 2002 - 131, 160 p.

Parallell title and text in English and Arabic. Tête-bêche book. Proceedings of the regional workshop on 'Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Arab Region : National and Regional Measures', May 6-7, 2001, Amman, Jordan organized by the Regional Human Security Center at the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy

small arms--arms trade--arms control--export control--Middle East--conference
arms transfers--arms trade regulations--legislation--Middle East--North Africa--Maghreb
nonproliferation--small arms--illegal trade--Middle East--Morocco--Yemen--Egypt--Jordan--Lebanon--Sudan--Africa