Reporting to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms /

Holtom, Paul

Reporting to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms / Paul Holtom, Lucie Béraud-Sudreau and Henning Weber - Solna : SIPRI, 2011 - 8 p. - SIPRI fact sheet .

"May 2011". This Fact Sheet is part of a study, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to examine existing reporting mechanisms on international arms transfers and export control systems to inform discussions on the implementation of effective systems of reporting and monitoring under an arms trade treaty. The key international mechanism for states to report on international arms transfers is the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms (UNROCA). UNROCA was established to build confidence and cooperation between states. In recent years there has been a dramatic decline in levels of reporting to UNROCA. This Fact Sheet provides information on the levels of reporting to UNROCA for the years 1992-2009, including regional trends, reasons for low levels of reporting and efforts to improve package reporting.

arms transfers--arms trade--conventional weapons--small arms
export control--UN--arms trade register--monitoring

UNROCA arms trade treaty