Current challenges to peacebuilding efforts and development assistance = Współczesne wyzwania dla budowania pokoju i pomocy rozwojowe /

Current challenges to peacebuilding efforts and development assistance = Współczesne wyzwania dla budowania pokoju i pomocy rozwojowe / Współczesne wyzwania dla budowania pokoju i pomocy rozwojowej Ed. by Konrad Pędziwiatr, Patryk Kugiel & Aleksander Dańda - Krakow : Tischner European University, 2011 - 335 p. : ill.

Parallell title and some text in Polish. This edited volume is part of the Peace and Development Studies project implemented by Tischner European University with support from the Norwegian Financial Mechansim and the European Economic Area Financial Mechansim through the Scholarship and Training Fund.


Poland--peacebuilding--development aid--peacekeeping operations--Afghanistan--Bosnia and Herzegovina