Lessons from MENA : appraising EU transfers of military and security equipment to the Middle East and North Africa : a contribution to the review of the EU Common Position /

Lessons from MENA : appraising EU transfers of military and security equipment to the Middle East and North Africa : a contribution to the review of the EU Common Position / Conflict Research Group ; edited by An Vranckx, Frank Slijper and Roy Isbister - Gent : Academia Press, 2011 - 57 p. : tab.

Published by The Conflict Research Group (CRG) which is a multidisciplinary research unit at the Ghent University (Faculty of Political and Social Sciences). This report analyses EU arms exports to MENA, in recent years both from an overarching perspective as well as detailing specific transfers. While the particular timing and nature of the Arab Spring itself could not be predicted, the potential for trouble at some point and the responding State repression could hardly be a surprise given the nature of these authoritarian regimes. While NGOs over the years have questioned a number of arms sales to undemocratic regimes with a history of violating human rights, the Arab Spring appeared to be a necessary condition for EU governments to recognise that the implementation of their export control policies had failed on numerous occasions. This analysis probes the level of caution EU exporting authorities demonstrated. "November 2011".


armed conflicts--human rights
arms embargoes--EU--Sudan

Europe--EU--arms trade--arms transfers--dual-use technology--small arms--landmines--arms trade regulations--export control--Middle East--North Africa--Persian gulf--Libya--Tunisia--Egypt

non-state armed groups paramilitaries COARM transparency Common Position