Towards a Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community : from vision to reality /

Towards a Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community : from vision to reality / Drafting Group ; Wolfgang Zellner (co-ordinator) ... - Hamburg : IFSH, 2012 - 28 p.

SIP1211 As intended, the four institutes of the IDEAS initiative (a Track II initiative) - CORE, FRS, PISM and MGIMO - published this report which builds on the four IDEAS workshops held in Berlin, Warsaw, Paris and Moscow from March through July 2012. It was written by a drafting group consisting of Wolfgang Zellner (co-ordinator), Yves Boyer, Frank Evers, Isabelle Facon, Camille Grand, Ulrich Kühn, Łukasz Kulesa and Andrei Zagorski. The report was released at OSCE headquarters in Vienna on 23 October 2012. Title from cover



Europe--regional security--regional cooperation--Asia