Enhancing European military and police contributions to UN peacekeeping

Enhancing European military and police contributions to UN peacekeeping [electronic resource] - [New York, NY] : IPI, 2013 - 11 p.

SIP1303 "February 2013" On October 24–25, 2012, the second regional roundtable of the
International Peace Institute–Pearson Centre Being a Peace -keeper series took place in Berlin, Germany, hosted by the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) with the support of the Direct for Strategic Affairs of the French Ministry of Defense and the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. With the
impending NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan as a backdrop, the discussion focused on future European commitments to UN
peacekeeping, the strategic security context, current developments and challenges in UN peacekeeping, UN
command and control, partnership arrangements, and mutual needs and opportunities in the way forward.

peacekeeping operations--UN--Europe--conference
police--peacekeeping forces--EU--NATO