EUISS yearbook of European security : Y·E·S 2014 : documents, facts, figures, maps 2013 /

EUISS yearbook of European security : Y·E·S 2014 : documents, facts, figures, maps 2013 / European Union Institute for Security Studies yearbook of European security. European Union Institute for Security Studies - Paris : European Union Institute for Security Studies, [2014] - 323 p.


This second edition of the Yearbook of European Security (YES) intends to build on the experience of last year while enriching the contents by including a more comprehensive survey of the EU ‘toolbox’ as well as a more targeted analysis of European defence spending. This year’s ‘mapping’ exercise is devoted to identifying and assessing the changes and developments that have occurred in three ‘signature’ countries (Tunisia, Egypt and Libya) of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ at the grassroots level – hence the ‘Arab sprouts’ label – beyond and besides the twists and turns that have characterised their respective transitions to date. And, finally, YES 2014 also includes a summary report of the Institute’s own activities over the past year.



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