Grading progress on U.S. drone policy : Report Card on the recommendations of The Stimson Task Force on U.S. Drone Policy /

Grading progress on U.S. drone policy : Report Card on the recommendations of The Stimson Task Force on U.S. Drone Policy / Project Director: Rachel Stohl - Washington, DC : Stimson, 2016 - 30 p. : ill.


"February 2016" Methodology: "From July 2014 to December 2015, Stimson analyzed the progress of the Obama administration in implementing the recommendations of the Stimson Task Force on U.S. Drone Policy. We have assigned “grades” — based on how the Obama administration has done on implementing the eight recommendations made by the task force. In addition, this report describes, in detail, the steps taken by the administration to address the existing shortcomings in U.S. law, policy and practice and ful ll the task force’s recommendations. While this “Report Card” is not meant to capture every step taken by the Obama administration in the 17-month period, we have tried to be comprehensive in our scope, and fair in our analysis. The “Report Card” is based on publicly available information, and we recognize that the administration may have taken additional steps that are classifed."

UAVs--defence policy--security policy--USA