Why is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict still not resolved? /

Kocharyan, Shavarsh

Why is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict still not resolved? / Shavarsh Kocharyan - Yerevan : "MIA", 2016 - 29 p. : ill.

This publication is an updated and extended version of the French article with the same title, published in September 2013, in the thrid volume of the collection of articles "Crisis prevention and peacebuilding". (Kotcharian, Chavarche. Pourquoi le conflit du Haut-Karabagh n'est toujours pas réglé? // Prévention des crises et promotion de la paix (volume III). Déterminants des conflits et nouvelles formes de prévention / Ed. J.-P. Vettovaglia. Bruylant, 2013. P. 569-593). SIP1612


Nagorno-Karabakh--independence movements--regional conflicts--South Caucasus--Armenia