Shchorichnik SIPRI 2015 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2015 : armaments, disarmament and international security

Shchorichnik SIPRI 2015 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2015 : armaments, disarmament and international security - Kiyv : Zapovit, 2016 - 658 p.

SIP1723 Translation of the main part of the 'SIPRI yearbook 2015 armaments, disarmament and international security' by Razumkov Centre - Ukrainian Centre for Economic and political Studies, UCEPS. Funded by Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport


arms control
peace research--yearbook
conflict research