Iraq : climate-related security risk assessment /

Hassan, Kawa

Iraq : climate-related security risk assessment / Kawa Hassan ; Camilla Born ; Nordqvist, Pernilla - [Solna] : Expert Working Group on Climate-related Security Risks, 2018 - 20 p. - A report from the Expert Working Group on Climate-related Security Risks .

SIP1822 A report from the Expert Working Group on Climate-related Security Risks SIPRI is hosting the Expert Working Group on Climate-related Security Risks, initiated during Sweden’s membership to the United Nations (UN) Security Council (2017–18).
Established in January 2018, the expert working group aims to produce policy-relevant assessments of climate-related security risks which can strengthen decision-making and programming on those risks within the UN.
In 2018, the expert working group—together with external researchers and the working group secretariat—will produce research on four geographies: Iraq, Lake Chad, Somalia and a further geography in Central Asia. The reports will build on research and insights from the field to provide integrated risk assessments of climate-related change and security—as well as other social, political and economic aspects. In 2018, the expert working group – together with external researchers and the working group secretariat – will produce research on four geographies: Iraq, Lake Chad, Somalia and a further geography in Central Asia. The reports will build on research and insights from the field to provide integrated assessments of climate-related change and security—as well as other social, political and economic aspects.
The working group secretariat currently consists of five members: Camilla Born (Director), Pernilla Nordqvist (Research Assistant), Nick Mabey (Senior Advisor), Malin Mobjörk (Senior Advisor), Dan Smith (Senior Advisor). "August 2018".

UN--aid--humanitarian aid--interventions--Iraq

Iraq--climate--security--risk assessment--migration--food--water--terrorism--environmental damage

internal displacement IDP environmental degradation UNAMI