The North East Asian states' interests in the Arctic and possible cooperation with the Kingdom of Denmark /

Jakobson, Linda

The North East Asian states' interests in the Arctic and possible cooperation with the Kingdom of Denmark / Linda Jakobson and Syong-Hong Lee - Solna : SIPRI, 2013 - 43 p.

SIP1923 "April 2013" This study was commissioned by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the follow-up and implementation of the Arctic Strategy of the Kingdom of Denmark. The study’s intention is to provide a deep and nuanced understanding of the Arctic interests of the three North East Asian countries—China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (South Korea)—and the potential for cooperation between these countries and the Kingdom of Denmark. The study was undertaken by the Arctic research team of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). In the first stage of the project, the research team examined each of the three North East Asian countries’ open source literature—including government documents, government statements, scholarly articles and media reports—pertaining to the country’s Arctic interests. In most cases, the relevant literature is available only in Chinese, Korean or Japanese. Next, the team conducted research interviews with individuals working on Arctic issues in Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Incheon and Tokyo. These research interviewees include government officials, representatives of the corporate sector, scientists, foreign and security policy specialists, journalists, diplomats of other Nordic countries, and representatives of the Danish Embassies in Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo. The report is the result of a joint effort by the SIPRI research team. The final outcome was co-authored by Linda Jakobson and Seong-hyon Lee, with assistance from Joel Wing- Lun, Christian Jack, Harrison Palmer and Jingchao Peng.

Denmark--regional security--regional cooperation--foreign policy--Northeast Asia--Japan--China--South Korea--Arctic