Shchorichnik SIPRI 2019 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2019 : armaments, disarmament and international security

Shchorichnik SIPRI 2019 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2019 : armaments, disarmament and international security - Kiyv : Zapovit, 2020 - 578 p.

SIP2023 Razumkov Centre presents the Ukrainian version of the SIPRI Yearbook 2019: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security.
This is the 50th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook and the 20th publication of the Yearbook in Ukrainian language.
Since the year 2000 the SIPRI YB has been translated, edited and published by the Razumkov Centre with the financial support of the Swiss Government and provided free of charge for the national authorities, leading universities, and public libraries.”


arms control
peace research--yearbook
conflict research