Shchorichnik SIPRI 2022 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2022 : armaments, disarmament and international security

Shchorichnik SIPRI 2022 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2022 : armaments, disarmament and international security - Kiyv : Zapovit, 2023 - 699 p.

SIP2323 SIPRI Yearbook 2022 is the 53rd edition of the SIPRI Yearbook and the 23rd edition of the Yearbook in Ukrainian. This translation was made possible by the long-time cooperation between SIPRI and the Razumkov Centre, and the financial support of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport. The book is available for free in PDF format on both SIPRI’s and the Razumkov Centre’s websites.


arms control
peace research--yearbook
conflict research