Shchorichnik SIPRI 2023 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2023 : armaments, disarmament and international security

Shchorichnik SIPRI 2023 : ozhbroennya, rozzbroennya ta mizhnarodna bezpieka = SIPRI yearbook 2023 : armaments, disarmament and international security - Kiyv : Zapovit, 2024 - 632 p.

SIP2423 SIPRI’s translation partner, the Razumkov Centre (Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies), launched the Ukrainian translation of SIPRI Yearbook 2023 on 31 July. SIPRI Yearbook 2023 is the 54th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook and the 24th edition of the Yearbook in Ukrainian. The book is available for free in PDF format on both SIPRI’s and the Razumkov Centre’s websites.


arms control
peace research--yearbook
conflict research